Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Sister and Me

So my older sister graduated with her Masters of Nursing today, I'm SO SO proud of her. She's amazing; did it all while working full time, raising a little girl, being a wife and being involved in church (among other things!). She achieved something so few do, especially not those who have all that going on in their lives. My sister also proves that you can be a good mother and and still achieve whatever you want to achieve. If you use your children, your spouse, your job or all of the above as reasons why you can't follow your own dream, you're just making excuses!

Me and my sister are so very different though. I love being a stay at home mom. Granted I do graphic design work and sell hair bows, but in no way is that a full time income. But it's definitely what me and my husband have agreed is best for us and what we all want. I definitely think about going back to school and getting a masters or another bachelors, but only after my kid(s) are in school. Until then, I am perfectly happy with my what my job is as of now. Besides I definitely have plenty to keep my busy with my very active 16 month old and doing freelance design, design for my church and making and trying to sell hair bows. 

Some may look down on me for not working full time, some may look down on my sister for working full time and not staying home with her daughter (and soon to be new baby boy!!!) But I say we are both successful, because we are both doing what we love AND taking care of those we love. It doesn't matter to me, and I'm more than sure it doesn't matter to her, what people may say. Let's face it, people will always have their opinions about how OTHER people should live their lives. I'm definitely not going to say what I do is as hard as what my sister did or does, but it's me and my husband's choice and it's definitely not easy! 

Sure there are times when I think I should just go try and look for a job, it would certainly make things better financially for us. But, I am and always will be a woman that seeks after what I believe God wants and every time I pray about it, or look into some kind of position somewhere, God has other plans. I fully believe that even if for just right now, God wants me at home with my daughter. Now that may change as soon as next week, but I take comfort in knowing I'm doing the job God wants me to do. 

So even if no one else is, I'm proud of me, my husband is proud of me and even though she can't say it yet I have a good feeling my daughter is proud of me as well!